
+flores de maria
+Tier 4

Flores de María
In 2021, I collaborated with a family friend and community leaders to help school children in Flores de María, a small pueblo about 1.5 hours away from the town of Pivijay in the northern part of Colombia where my family has lived for many generations. Ines, one of a few teachers in Flores an her daughter Mary said that the children needed bookbags, pencils, notebooks, clothes, toys, over-the-counter medicine, and books to read. We needed to raise money. We decided an updated logo would be a great way to start revitalizing the school and build excitement within and outside the community. We developed a new logo / crest that could be put on the student’s uniforms and on t-shirts that we would sell on Bonfire during our fundraiser. One of Colombia’s national symbols is the sombrero vueltiao (made famous by the Disney movie Encanto), which was created by indigenous Zenú tribes in the neighboring states of Cordoba and Sucre. I used similar recognizable geometry from the sombrero to create a colorful, abstract flower as a way to connect with the village’s name. 

Read the full story published by AIGA here.
